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ARTVENTUROUS Magazine (Issue 40)

I am thrilled to share that my work will be featured in the upcoming ARTVENTUROUS Magazine (Issue 40)

Einladung Vernissge


Freitag, 21.04.2023 ab 19:00 Uhr

Hotel Du Parc
Römerstrasse 24
5400 Baden

New Plein Air Project

Working in 35 Degrees in City Park ...

Props From Garage Sale

I find it always interesting to visit garage sales. There are always some very nice props for painting projects to discover.
Guess what will be next? )

See you soon


Baby Holidays

I am very happy to inform you, that I am currently in baby holidays and therefor I don't work at this moment.
But very soon I will come back with new power and a lot of painting projects ideas.

Stay safe everybody!

Paul Gauguin - Quote

"Painting is the most beautiful of all arts. In it, all sensations are condensed; contemplating it, everyone can create a story at the will of his imagination and--with a single glance--have his soul invaded by the most profound recollections; no effort of memory, everything is summed up in one instant. A complete art which sums up all the others and completes them. Like music, it acts on the soul through the intermediary of the senses: harmonious colors correspond to the harmonies of sound. But in painting a unity is obtained which is not possible in music, where the accords follow one another, so that the judgment experiences a continuous fatigue if it wants to reunite the end with the beginning. The ear is actually a sense inferior to the eye. The hearing can only grasp a single sound at a time, whereas the sight takes in everything and simultaneously simplifies it at will." Paul Gauguin

Paul Cezanne - Quote

“There are two things in the painter, the eye and the mind; each of them should aid the other." Paul Cezanne